September 25, 2024
September 28, 2024


3rd Annual Block Party Provides Food, Fun, and Community

The Social Services Department held its third annual Community Block Party at the Prairie Ridge Community Building on Wednesday, Aug. 28. An event open to the community, the block party offered grilled hotdogs, yard games, and door prizes.

“This is our third year. It started out two years ago as an event with Housing,” said Sarah Cowan, Assistant Administrator of Social Services. “We wanted to be out in community, in this neighborhood, to give people an opportunity to have a healthy, fun get-together.”

The event provided the opportunity for community members to visit with and get more information about the Social Services Department and its programs. Vocational Rehabilitation asked attendees to fill out a survey to enter a raffle, while Wellness Connection Services handed out free t-shirts. Additionally, Safe Kids PBPN and Tribal Police passed out dollar bills to people who drove in wearing their seatbelts, and Native Vote tabled to promote voting participation.

Although temperatures were high, attendees were able to cool off in the water fountain sprayed from one of the Tribal Fire Department’s trucks or sit in the shade of the community building. Tables, chairs, and tents were set up so that people could relax and visit with one another.

Now in its third year, the Community Block Party continues to be a popular social event while helping to build bonds between community members and the Social Services Department.