

PBPN TTANF will provide support to families in order to help them become self-sufficient, provide temporary support in meeting basic needs, promote training that will lead to employment, and offer education and prevention services to youth.


  • TTANF serves families with children living in the home
  • At least one member of the family is enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe
  • The family’s countable income is less than 125% of current Federal Poverty Guidelines
  • The family has lived in Jackson County, Kansas for at least 30 days
  • A family can be defined as the following: a pregnant woman, two biological parents and child(ren), one biological parent and one adult living as the second parent and child(ren), one biological parent and child(ren), child-only case where the child is in custody of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation or child-only case where the child lives with a relative (with proper documentation.)


  • Cash Assistance: Monthly Cash Assistance payment, incentives, supportive and emergency services.
  • Diversion Services: Housing, transportation, employment, education and daycare assistance will be provided to families who are over income for cash assistance, but under 200% of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines in order to help prevent the family from becoming dependent on TTANF.